Denise Horne, Heritage Planner described the details of the Notice of Intent to Demolish and supporting materials.
In attendance to represent the application were Sara Premi of Sullivan Mahoney, Lashia Jones of Stantec, and David Riley of SGL Planning.
The Committee reviewed the attached materials submitted as part of the review of the Notice of Intent to Demolish. Denise Horne answered questions regarding the staff report. It was suggested that the bas-relief panels be located on King Street and inspired by the original Art Moderne style of the former school building, not the proposed new hotel design, and may be incorporated within a garden. It was suggested that the stylized acorn on top of the proposed commemoration wall be removed.
Motion moved by Councillor Balasiuk that the following Staff recommendations be considered by Council.
1.1 The information and materials submitted with the Notice of Intention to Demolish the former Parliament Oak School building at 325 King Street be received;
1.2 The recommendations within Section 9 of the Stantec Heritage Impact Assessment for 325 King Street, dated June 23, 2023, be endorsed;
1.3 The commemorative approach and recommendations within Sections 3 and 4 of the Stantec Commemoration Plan for 325 King Street, dated June 23, 2023, be endorsed in principle with the following amendments to the commemorative approach for consideration by the proponent:
1.3.1 That the text bas-relief panel on the 1948 school façade be salvaged and incorporated for interpretation within any new development on the subject property;
1.3.2 The proponent considers the reuse of the bas-relief panels in a location fronting King Street on the subject property;
1.3.3 The 1947 cornerstone be reused within any new development on the subject property;
1.4 The recommendations for Salvage, Removal, and Storage in Section 5 of the Stantec Documentation and Salvage Report for 325 King Street, dated August 2, 2023, be endorsed;
1.5 The Demolition Waste Management Plan prepared by Stantec, dated August 2, 2023, be endorsed; and
1.6 The Municipal Heritage Committee provides input to Staff regarding the proposed recommendations within the reports and the commemorative approach for the subject property.