Council Chambers
A link to the live webcasting of this meeting will appear here once the meeting is live.
Members Present:
  • Drew Chapman - Chair, 
  • Amanda Demers - Vice Chair, 
  • Councillor Tim Balasiuk, 
  • Councillor Gary Burroughs, 
  • Brian Marshall, 
  • John Morley, 
  • David Snelgrove, 
  • Alexander Topps, 
  • and Rita Trudeau 
Staff Present:
  • Aimee Alderman - Senior Planner , 
  • Sumra Zia - Heritage Planner , 
  • and Shannon Mista - Legislative and Committees Coordinator 

The meeting was called to order by Drew Chapman, Chair at 6:00 p.m.

Moved by Councillor Burroughs that the agenda be adopted as presented.


None were declared.

The April 3, 2024, minutes were received.

There were none.

There were none.

Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner gave an overview of the Heritage Impact Assessment.

The Committee reviewed the attached material summited as part of the Impact Assessment File No. ZBA-05-2024 - CDS-24-066

Rainer Hummel was present to answer clarifying questions of the Committee.

Moved by Amanda Demers that the following recommendations be considered by Council; 

1.1 That the committee NOT endorse the staff recommendations 1.1 -1.6.

1.2 That the Committee does recommend that they would be open to receiving a subsequent application that reflects the Heritage Designation of the property and the comments made by the MHC regarding the denied application.


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner gave an overview of the Heritage Permit Application.

The Committee reviewed the attached material summited as part of the Permit Application - Sign and Shed Addition - CDS-24-058.

Susan Wheeler was present to answer clarifying questions of the Committee.

Moved by Amanda Demers that the following recommendations be considered by Council; 

1.1 Heritage Permit Application HER-01-2024 for the installation of a projecting signage and acknowledgment of the addition of a shed at 95 Johnson Street be recommended to Council for approval subject to the following conditions that:

1.1.1 The alterations be carried out substantially in accordance with the Heritage Permit Application in Appendix I.

1.1.2 The colour of the signage is matte finish and not glossy.

1.1.3 The applicant obtains the necessary Sign Permit for the signage.


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner gave an overview of the Heritage Permit Application.

The Committee reviewed the attached material summited as part of the Permit Application - Signage - CDS-24-072.

The Committee asked clarify questions.

Moved by Councillor Balasiuk that the following recommendations be considered by Council; 

1.1 That the applicant considers wood letters as opposed to the pin metal.

1.2 That the name on the awning match the name on the sign.


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner gave an overview of the Heritage Permit Application.

The Committee reviewed the attached material summited as part of the Revising the Municipal Heritage Grant Program - CDS-24-024.

The Committee asked clarify questions.

Moved by David Snelgrove that the following recommendations be considered by Council; 

1.1    Municipal Heritage Committee (MHC) endorses the revised Heritage Restoration and Improvement Grant Program and implementing documents prepared by Town Staff, as included in Appendix II, III and IV; 

1.2    The implementing by-law, as included in Appendix I, be endorsed by the MHC and forwarded to Council for approval; and

1.3    The one application fee of $210 for the Heritage Restoration and Improvement Grant for all eligible properties be endorsed by the MHC and forwarded to Council for approval.

1.4 That the refund referenced in Appendix III be removed.


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner gave an overview of the Heritage Permit Application.

The Committee reviewed the attached material summited as part of the Priority Designation Work - Heritage Designation Reports - CDS-24-070.

The Committee asked clarify questions.

Moved by John Morley that the following recommendations be considered by Council; 

1.1 That Staff seek any additional input from MHC on the staff evaluation and an endorsement for proceeding. If the MHC endorses the pursuit of designation, in principle, Staff will prepare draft Designation By-laws for the above properties and return in March with the draft by-laws for the Committee’s consideration.


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner gave an overview of the Heritage Permit Application.

The Committee reviewed the attached material summited as part of the Priority Designation Work - Heritage Designation Reports - CDS-24-070.

The Committee asked clarify questions.

Moved by John Morley that the following recommendations be considered by Council; 

1.1 It is respectfully recommended that the designation by-laws of the properties at 14 Wesley Avenue and 15618 Niagara River Parkway be endorsed in principle based on the Staff evaluation within the designation reports

1.2 Council issue Notice of Intent to Designate (NOID) for each property.

1.3 That Staff send a midway letter to the homeowner.


Amanda Demers asked Staff for a quarterly report from Community and Services Development on items that used to fall under the Heritage Committee ex: painting of buildings.

Alex Topps asked the Heritage Planner if a consultant has been awarded for the District Expansion. 

John Morley informed the Committee Members about hardy board in Farmington, PA at Nemacolin. He also let the Committee know about the Hydro Dam Beck 1 and Beck 2 being in existence for 100 years this year.

Councillor Burroughs asked for the lighting at the Bank of Montreal building to be looked at under the handrails as they are bright, Drew Chapman, Chair also requested staff inquire about the window grills on the building and the shutters going back to black as it was traditional for shutters to be in dark colours.

Brian Marshall asked about the property at 1893 York Road and that it being only one of two buildings with res sandstone in the area to have it included in the destination of properties list.

Moved by Brian Marshall that the following recommendation be considered by Council:

That 1893 York Road be expedited on the designation list.


Brian Marshall also asked about scheduling an architectural styles 

June 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

Adjournment unanimously took place at 8:09 p.m.

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