Council Chambers
A link to the live webcasting of this meeting will appear here once the meeting is live.
Members Present:
  • Drew Chapman - Chair, 
  • Amanda Demers - Vice Chair, 
  • Councillor Tim Balasiuk, 
  • Councillor Gary Burroughs, 
  • Brian Marshall, 
  • John Morley, 
  • David Snelgrove, 
  • and Alexander Topps 
Members Absent:
  • Rita Trudeau 
Staff Present:
  • Kirsten McCauley - Director - CDS 
  • and Shannon Mista - Legislative and Committees Coordinator 

The meeting was called to order by Drew Chapman, Chair at 6:00 p.m.

David Snelgrove requested to speak under New Business

Moved by Councillor Burroughs that the agenda be adopted as amended.


None were declared.

The March 6, 2024, minutes were received.

There were none.

There were none.

Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner gave an overview of the Accomplishments of the Municipal Heritage Committee.

The Committee reviewed the attached material summited as part of the Demolition Permit - 134 Victoria Street - CDS-24-055

Moved by David Snelgrove that the following recommendations be considered by Council; 

1.1 The Municipal Heritage Committee approves the Notice of Intent to Demolish the historic dwelling/structure and the addition and the rear accessory building at 134 Victoria Street received on October 25, 2023 and March 17, 2024;

2.1 The applicant signs a legal undertaking for the salvage of materials and hardware as a condition of demolition; 

2.2 The applicant agrees to provide a qualified heritage expert to attend the site during the demolition process to document heritage elements that may become evident during such demolition and to recommend to the demolition contractor elements to salvage.  Further, the heritage expert will provide to the applicant and Town Staff post demolition written descriptions that will assist the designer of the new dwelling to best meet the incorporation of salvaged materials and/or the provision of historically accurate replicas where new materials are to be used in the new dwelling.

3.1 The development of the new residence is carried out according to the elevation design submitted by the applicant.

3.2 The applicant agrees that the windows of the new residence on the front west side of the proposed new dwelling and the associated north and south elevations of that front portion of the new dwelling will have wood frame windows and glass appearance of the circa 1835 period. Similarly, the door will be wood and be circa 1835 replicated.  The wood clapboard siding of the new dwelling should be of circa 1835 design or such earlier period design as revealed during demolition.

4.0 The applicant agrees to ensure that during both demolition and construction of a new dwelling all efforts will be made to minimize damage to the roots of existing trees on the site or adjacent to the site and that a qualified arborist is engaged to this end.


Moved by Amanda Demers that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

1.1 The Municipal Heritage Committee approves the Notice of Intent to Demolish the historic dwelling/structure and the addition and the rear accessory building at 134 Victoria Street received on October 25, 2023 and March 17, 2024;

2.1 The applicant signs a legal undertaking for the salvage of materials and hardware as a condition of demolition; and

3.1 The development of the new residence is carried out according to the elevation design submitted by the applicant.


Moved by Amanda Demers that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

1. The Heritage Permit Application, HER-08-2023, for wrapping hydro boxes in vinyl art in the Queen-Picton Heritage Conservation District be recommended to Council for approval subject to the following conditions:

1.1 The alterations be carried out substantially in accordance with the Heritage Permit Application;

1.2 Permission is acquired from the Director of Community and Services annually by Niagara-on-the-Lake Hydro for the locations of hydro boxes selected each year to be wrapped in the Queen-Picton Heritage Conservation District. The Director of Community and Services may ask for reconsideration of locations at their discretion; and 

1.3 Consideration is given to selecting art that is compatible and sympathetic to the Queen-Picton Heritage Conservation District. 


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner described the details of Priority Designation Work - Heritage Designation Reports - CDS-24-057.

The Committee reviewed the attached materials submitted as part of the Priority Designation.

Moved by Amanda Demers that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

1.1 That Staff seek any additional input from MHC on the staff evaluation and an endorsement for proceeding. If the MHC endorses the pursuit of designation, in principle, Staff will prepare draft Designation By-laws for the above properties and return in March with the draft by-laws for the Committee’s consideration.

Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner described the details of Priority Designation Work - Heritage Designation Draft By-laws - CDS-24-056.

The Committee reviewed the attached materials submitted as part of the Priority Designation Draft By-laws.

Moved by Amanda Demers that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

1.1 It is respectfully recommended that the designation by-laws of the properties at 287 Warner Road and 463 King Street be endorsed in principle based on the Staff evaluation within the designation reports

1.2 Council issue Notice of Intent to Designate (NOID) for each property.

1.3 That Staff send a midway letter to the homeowner.


Moved by Councillor Burroughs That the following recommendation be considered by Council;

1.1 That all ongoing notices of intent to designate have a midway letter to ensure that homeowners are aware of the designation of the property.


David Snelgrove ask Heritage Planner, Sumra Zia for a follow-up on Riccardo Street construction.

David Snelgrove also asked Heritage Planner, Sumra Zia about the Ordinance Boundary Stone at King and Byron and where is was in the process and Sumra let the Committee know the RFP was sent out last week and they are hoping to have a contact by the end of April.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Adjournment unanimously took place at 8:04 p.m.