Council Chambers
A link to the live webcasting of this meeting will appear here once the meeting is live.
Members Present:
  • Drew Chapman - Chair, 
  • Amanda Demers - Vice Chair, 
  • Councillor Tim Balasiuk, 
  • Councillor Gary Burroughs, 
  • Brian Marshall, 
  • John Morley, 
  • David Snelgrove, 
  • and Alexander Topps 
Members Absent:
  • Rita Trudeau 
Staff Present:
  • Shannon Mista - Legislative and Committees Coordinator 
  • and Kirsten McCauley - Director - CDS 

The meeting was called to order by Drew Chapman, Chair at 6:00 p.m.

Moved by Brian Marshall that the agenda be adopted as presented.


None were declared.

The February 7, 2024, minutes were received.

There were none.

There were none.

There were none.

Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner gave an overview of the Accomplishments of the Municipal Heritage Committee.

The Committee reviewed the attached material summited as part of the Accomplishments of the Municipal Heritage Committee - CDS-24-038.

Moved by Councillour Burroughs that report CDS-24-038 be received.


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner described the details of the Priority Designation Work - Heritage Designation Reports - CDS-24-042.

The Committee reviewed the attached materials submitted as part of the Priority Designation Work.

Moved by Councillor Balasiuk that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

1.1 That the Municipal Heritage Committee endorse the designations of 287 Warner Road and 463 King Street, in principle based on the Staff evaluation within the designation reports. Staff will prepare draft Designation By-laws for the above properties and return in April with the draft by-laws for the Committee’s consideration.


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner described the details of the Priority Designation Work - Heritage Designation Draft By-laws - CDS-24-021.

The Committee reviewed the attached materials submitted as part of the Priority Designation Work.

Moved by Amanda Demers that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

1.1 That the designation by-laws of the properties at 23 Vincent Avenue and 46 Johnson Street be endorsed in principle based on the Staff evaluation within the designation reports

1.2 That Council issue Notice of Intent to Designate (NOID) for each property.


Sumra Zia, Heritage Planner described the details of the Designation Work - Next Steps 2025, CDS-24-044

The Committee reviewed the attached materials submitted as part of the Designation Work - Next Steps 2025, CDS-24-044.

Moved by Amanda Demers that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

1.1 The Municipal Heritage Committee endorses and provides further input for the Built Heritage Survey Forms prepared to collect information to list new heritage properties to the Municipal Heritage Register.

1.1.1 That the Architecture Style list be in alphabetical order and follow the Canadian styles by period bases.

1.2 The Municipal Heritage Committee endorses and provides any further input for the Preliminary Evaluation Forms prepared to evaluate the new properties to be ‘Listed’ on the Municipal Heritage Register.

1.3 The Municipal Heritage Committee provide input on the preparation of a schedule for undertaking the surveys in partnership with Town Staff and;

1.4 Council directs Staff to implement the work plan. 


Councillor Burroughs asked the committee if they knew anything about the project happening in town at the end of Riccardo Street.

Moved by Councillor Burroughs that;

The Committee direct staff to come back with information on the construction happening at 242 Riccardo Street.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024 

Adjournment unanimously took place at 7:03 p.m.