MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEEWednesday, April 12, 2023 at 5:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Council ChambersA link to the live webcasting of this meeting will appear here once the meeting is live.1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3.CONFLICT OF INTEREST 4.CORRESPONDANCE 4.1Letter from Gerald Kowalchuk 1.2023 april 6 RAND ESTATE HERITAGE LETTER TO TOWN.pdf5.PRESENTATIONS 5.1Denise Horne, Heritage Planner 5.2Applicant Solmar 5.3SORE 5.3.1Catherine Lyons 5.3.2Brendan Stewart 5.3.3Michael McClellan 6.PUBLIC DELEGATIONS 6.1Delegation List 6.1.1John McCallum 7.APPLICANT RESPONSE At the discretion of the Chair8.BUSINESS 8.1Heritage Permits 200 John Street East & 588 Charlotte Street (Rand Estate), CDS-23-077 1.200 John Street East and 588 Charlotte Street (Rand Estate) - CDS-23-077.pdf2.Appendix I - Heritage Permit Application Report.pdf3.Appendix II - Policies.pdf4.Appendix III - By-laws.pdf5.Appendix IV - 200 John Street E Application.pdf6.Appendix V - 588 Charlotte Street Application.pdf7.Appendix VI - HIA 2020.pdf8.Appendix VII - HIA 2022.pdf9.Appendix VIII - Building Condition Assessments.pdf10.Appendix IX - Commemoration Plan.pdf11.Appendix X - Rooms and Nodes.pdf8.1.1SGL Cover Letter - Driveway Change, CDS-23-089 1.SGL Cover Letter for Heritage Permit Applications - Driveway Change - March 27, 2023 - CDS-23-089.pdf2.Appendix I - SGL Letter for Heritage Permit Applications - Driveway Change - March 27 2023.pdf9.NEXT MEETING DATE Special Council Meeting - Rand Estate - April 24, 2023, at 5:00 pmMunicipal Heritage Committee - May 3, 2023, at 6:00 pm10.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.200 John Street East and 588 Charlotte Street (Rand Estate) - CDS-23-077.pdf2.Appendix I - Heritage Permit Application Report.pdf3.Appendix II - Policies.pdf4.Appendix III - By-laws.pdf5.Appendix IV - 200 John Street E Application.pdf6.Appendix V - 588 Charlotte Street Application.pdf7.Appendix VI - HIA 2020.pdf8.Appendix VII - HIA 2022.pdf9.Appendix VIII - Building Condition Assessments.pdf10.Appendix IX - Commemoration Plan.pdf11.Appendix X - Rooms and Nodes.pdf1.2023 april 6 RAND ESTATE HERITAGE LETTER TO TOWN.pdf1.SGL Cover Letter for Heritage Permit Applications - Driveway Change - March 27, 2023 - CDS-23-089.pdf2.Appendix I - SGL Letter for Heritage Permit Applications - Driveway Change - March 27 2023.pdf