Meeting Minutes, June 8, 2020
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The members of the Committee of the Whole met on Monday June 08, 2020 in the Council Chambers, at 06:00 PM.

This meeting was held via Video Conference due to COVID-19 and public health concerns and was able to be viewed via Livestream on the Town's website.

Chair Councillor Al Bisback, Lord Mayor Betty Disero, Councillors: Erwin Wiens, Stuart McCormack, Wendy Cheropita, Gary Burroughs, Norm Arsenault, Clare Cameron, John Wiens


Sheldon Randall Chief Administrative Officer (I)
Kyle Freeborn Director, Corporate Services
Craig Larmour Director, Community & Development Services
Nick Ruller Fire Chief
Kevin Turcotte Director, Operations (A)
Peter Todd Town Clerk




Chair Councillor Al Bisback called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Moved by Councillor Gary Burroughs that the agenda be adopted, as presented.


    Councillor John Wiens declared a conflict of interest with any discussion of restaurants and patios as his family operates a business a similar business.

    4. COVID-19 UPDATE
    Lord Mayor Betty Disero provided a COVID-19 update with regard to the following: short term rental being permitted to operate, increase to a maximum of up to 10 people in a public gathering, and Niagara Region not within the municipalities for Phase 2 of reopening. She further spoke to cafe's and restaurants being able operate on expanded patios.

    Sheldon Randall, Interim Chief Administrative Officer spoke to staff working on options with moving forward for restaurants being permitted to expand their patios on their property or within a municipal right of way. Staff is preparing a report for Council on June 22, 2020.

    Councillor Erwin Wiens spoke to the Immigrant workers situation within Niagara-on-the-Lake and in Ontario.

    (a) Rino Mostacci, Commissioner
    Kirsten, McCauley, Senior Planner
        Planning & Development Services, Niagara Region

    Kirsten McCauley, Senior Planner, Niagara Region referred to an electronic presentation with regard to the Glendale District Plan. Ms. McCauley provided an explanation on a District Plan. Ms. McCauley further spoke to the Study Area, Timeline, Engagement Highlights, Policy Framework, Vision Statement, Land Use Concept and Demonstration Plan. Information was provided on Key Directions, Plan Update and Summary. Ms. McCauley answered questions from Committee.

    Moved by Lord Mayor Betty Disero that the Glendale Niagara District Plan be received and referred to staff for a report to come back to Committee of the Whole.


    Chair Councillor Al Bisback thanked Ms. McCauley and Mr. Mostacci for their presentation.

    At this time the Chair asked for members to identify any items to be lifted for separate discussion.

    No reports were lifted for discussion.

    Moved by Lord Mayor Betty Disero that the following reports be approved and the recommendations contained therein be forwarded to Council for adoption.


    (a) Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion

    CDS-20-012 File ICBL-EX-01-2020 - 425 Dorchester Street
    Exemption to Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended)

    1.1 The request for an exemption (File ICBL-EX-01-2020) to the Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended), for the property described as 425 Dorchester Street and shown on Appendix A, be approved; and
    1.2 Staff advise the owner of Council's decision.

    CDS-20-013 File ICBL-EX-02-2020 - Niagara Stone Road & Niven Road (Village) Exemption to Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended)

    1.1 The request for an exemption (File ICBL-EX-02-2020) to the Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended), for the property described as Niagara Stone Road & Niven Road (Village Centre) and shown on Appendix A, be approved; and
    1.2 Staff advise the owner of Council's decision.

    CDS-20-014 File ICBL-EX-03-2020 - 455 William Street
    Exemption to Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended)

    1.1 The request for an exemption (File ICBL-EX-03-2020) to the Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended), for the property described as 455 William Street and shown on Appendix A, be approved; and
    1.2 Staff advise the owner of Council's decision.

    CDS-20-015 File ICBL-EX-04-2020 - 6 Circle Street
    Exemption to Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended)

    1.1 The request for an exemption (File ICBL-EX-04-2020) to the Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended), for the property described as 6 Circle Street and shown on Appendix A, be approved; and
    1.2 Staff advise the owner of Council's decision.

    CDS-20-016 File ICBL-EX-05-2020 - 513 Gate Street
    Exemption to Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended)

    1.1 The request for an exemption (File ICBL-EX-05-2020) to the Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended), for the property described as 513 Gate Street and shown on Appendix A, be approved; and
    1.2 Staff advise the owner of Council's decision.

    CDS-20-017 File ICBL-EX-06-2020 - 551 Butler Street & Bay Berry Lane (Block 23)
    Exemption to Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended)

    1.1 The request for an exemption (File ICBL-EX-06-2020) to the Old Town Interim Control By-law 5105-18 (as amended), for the property described as 551 Butler Street and Block 23, 30M-302 (Bay Berry Lane) and shown on Appendix A, be approved; and
    1.2 Staff advise the owner of Council's decision.

    8.1 Audit Committee Minutes - May 26, 2020

    Discussion took place with regard to:
        • Item No. 5 Heritage Tax Rebate 2019 Business Case

        Moved by Councillor John Wiens that Item No. 5 Heritage Tax Rebate 2019 Business Case be lifted for separate discussion and voted on separately.

        The balance of the Audit Committee Minutes of May 26, 2020 was discussed and voted on.
          Moved by Councillor John Wiens that the recommendations contained in the May 26, 2020 Minutes of the Audit Committee be received.

      8.2 Audit Committee Minutes - June 2, 2020
          Moved by Councillor Norm Arsenault that the recommendations contained in the June 2, 2020 Minutes of the Audit Committee be received.

      The Committee lifted the following items from the Information Package for discussion:

      May 28, 2020
      Item No. 7 - Canada/US Border Crossings
      Item No. 16 - Email re Old Towne Noise - An opportunity

      Moved by Councillor Norm Arsenault that the Information Package of May 28, 2020 be received.


      June 4, 2020
      Item No. 4 - Perth South resolution re Provincially Significant Wetlands Designation
      Item No. 6 - Thorold resolution re Personal Facial Masks
      Item No. 7 - Thorold resolution re Billing codes for the Provision of Virtual Care

      Moved by Lord Mayor Betty Disero that Items Nos. 6 & 7 of the June 4, 2020 Information Package be endorsed by Council.


      The balance of the June 4, 2020 Information Package was voted on.

      Moved by Lord Mayor Betty Disero that the Information Package of June 4, 2020 be received.


      10. NEW BUSINESS
      There was no New Business at this time.


      ADJOURNMENT: 08:19:00 PM

      Lord Mayor, this concludes the Minutes/Report of the Committee of the Whole Meeting. I Councillor ___________________ move, seconded by Councillor __________________ that the Minutes/Report of the June 8, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting be adopted.

      No Item Selected