Video Conference
A link to the live webcasting of this meeting will appear here once the meeting is live.
Members Present:
  • Kevin Buis - Chair, 
  • Erwin Wiens - Vice Chair, 
  • Michael Kauzlaric, 
  • Kurt Neumann, 
  • Rob Enns, 
  • and Aaron Oppenlander 
Members Absent:
  • George Lepp 
Staff Present:
  • Brandon Enns - Irrigation & Drainage Superintendent 
  • and Cheryl Lootsma - Administrative Assistant - Operations 
Others Present:
  • Sarah Marshall, Ontario Tender Fruit


The meeting was called to order by Kevin Buis, Chair, at 2:02 p.m.

Brandon Enns requested to add a financial update, metering and an update on the permit to take water renewal to New Business.  Moved by Mike Kauzlaric that the agenda be adopted as amended.


None were declared.

Moved by Rob Enns that the February 7, 2024 minutes be received.

There were none.

There were none.

There were none.

Brandon Enns provided the pump status update:

  • Carlton - is the only pump currently in operation per requests from surrounding nurseries and greenhouses.
  • Eastchester pump is scheduled for Mid May and could open earlier depending upon the need.
  • OPG - The next meeting is on Thursday, April 11, 2024, to discuss the next steps regarding access.

The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake has committed to the next two years for this project and has signed and delivered their letter of committment.

Vice Chair Wiens will update the committee regarding the use of infrastructure funds towards irrigation.

Erwin Wiens - Vice Chair joined the meeting at 2:11 PM.

Staff is interested in feedback from the committee regarding the February MOU presentation.

The committee confirms that they are in support of the MOU.

Staff will confirm the annual costs for the Virgil Dams.

Chair Kevin Buis has requested to verify other AGMs ahead of next year's annual grower's meeting to avoid conflict with Vineland Growers' Annual meeting.

It was proposed to hold next year's meeting at the end of April or first week of May.

Staff provided an update outlining the remaining funds from 2023.

Staff provided an update on the status of trial metering, Evan Pilkington, from Vineland Research Centre, has offered his services, at a cost, to survey permit holders about metering and answer any questions they may have regarding meters.

Sarah Marshall of Ontario Tender Fruit suggested accessing the Rural Economic Development Fund for 2025. Sarah will also look at other funding opportunities on behalf of the committee.

The committee agrees to invite a delegation from Vineland Research to attend the next meeting.

Staff provided an update on the permit to take water renewal. A temporary permit has been issued until June 30, 2024.  Once the new permit is signed it will be valid for ten years. 

The committee requested that staff forward a copy of the NPCA MOU to committee members once again for review.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 2:00 p.m.

Meeting was unanimously adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

No Item Selected