Video Conference
A link to the live webcasting of this meeting will appear here once the meeting is live.
Members Present:
  • Tony Chisholm - Chair, 
  • Dick Coyne, 
  • Wendy Cheropita - Councillor, 
  • and Cheryl Morris 
Members Absent:
  • Rick Meloen - Chair, 
  • Fred Sentineal, 
  • and Albrecht Seeger 
Staff Present:
  • Kevin Turcotte - Manager Parks & Recreation 
  • and Cheryl Lootsma - Administrative Assistant - Operations 

The meeting was called to order by Tony Chisholm, Chair at 1:05 p.m.

Moved by Tony Chisholm that the agenda be adopted.


None were declared.

Moved by Chair Tony Chisholm that the March 20, 2024, minutes be received.

There were none.

There were none.

There were none.

Chair Tony Chisholm welcomed the Committee's new member, Albrecht Seeger.

  • The Paws on the Trail event has been scheduled for Saturday, September 7, 2024 at the Memorial Park - Tennis Pavilion. Committee has confirmed with Tennis Club that it will be available.
  • Cheryl Morris is anticipating that registration will be open for July 1, 2024.
  • The Special Event Permit will be obtained by Cheryl Morris.


Staff provided a timeline for the next phase construction:

  • May 27  - Three weeks to complete the East West Line to Line 1 section for the screening top coat.
  • June - Four weeks to complete the Line 1 to Line 2 section.
  • Fall - Line 2 to Line 3 section.
  • Phase 2 will be completed by the end of the year.
  • Staff will provide an update at the next Committee meeting regarding the crosswalk at East West Line. 
  • Chair Tony Chisholm requested to schedule a media event to promote the trail once the East West Line to Line 1 portion is complete.
  • Staff will visit the Queenston quarry to inspect the shale that has been offered by Frank Racioppo.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, @ 1:00 p.m.

The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 1:23 p.m.

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