Council Chambers
A link to the live webcasting of this meeting will appear here once the meeting is live.
Members Present:
  • Councillor - Wendy Cheropita - Chair, 
  • Peter Neame - Vice-Chair, 
  • Victoria Morley, 
  • and David Snelgrove 
Members Absent:
  • Chrys Kaloudis 
Staff Present:
  • Aimee Alderman- Manager of Planning 
  • and Shannon Mista - Legislative and Committees Coordinator 

The meeting was called to order by Councillor Cheroptia, Chair at 5:00 p.m.

Moved by David Snelgrove that the agenda was adopted as amended with the addition of two announcements.


None were declared.

Moved by Peter Neame that the April 24, 2024, minutes be received.


There were none.

Councillor Cheropita informed the Committee that Aimee Alderman has been promoted to the Town’s new Manager of Planning. She also let the Committee know that the Town has hired Candice Bogdanski as the Senior Heritage Planner. 

There were none.

Aimee Alderman, Manager of Planning gave an overview of the Terms of Reference Review.

The Committee discussed the Terms of Reference, and Aimee answered clarifying questions. 

That Staff will consider the Committee’s recommendations to revise and implement through an updated Sun/Shadow Terms of Reference, as follows: 

Moved by David Snelgrove;

1.1    That paragraphs 1.3 and 2.1 of the Sun/Shadow Study be amended to reflect height in metres, rather than storeys; 

1.2    That sections 4.2 and 4.3 be amended to add a new Item 4.2.3 and 4.3.4, respectively, as follows: 

1.2.1    To minimize the impact of shadow from new development on existing adjacent properties, adjacent existing material (non-trivial) solar capture installations such as solar panels should not be shadowed more than 10% on any day of a year;


Moved by Peter Neame;

1.3    That Staff review the terminology throughout the Terms of Reference, to change the term “should” to “must” and/or “shall,” as appropriate;

1.4    That Staff review the wording in Sections 3 and 4 to ensure that the wording is clear related to timing and test dates; and,

1.5    That Staff consider the local context and surrounding area to determine the height to trigger a Sun/Shadow Study. 


David Snelgrove requested that the email introducing the new Senior Heritage Planner be sent to the Urban Design Committee.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

Adjournment unanimously took place at 6:06 p.m.