Council Chambers
A link to the live webcasting of this meeting will appear here once the meeting is live.
Members Present:
  • Andrew Niven - Chair, 
  • Robin Garrett - Vice -Chair , 
  • Councillor Wendy Cheropita, 
  • Councillor Maria Mavridis , 
  • Vladimir Haltigin, 
  • Tim Jennings, 
  • Erica Lepp, 
  • Richard Mell, 
  • Mark Torrance, 
  • and Minerva Ward 
Staff Present:
  • Shannon Mista - Legislative and Committees Coordinator 
Staff Absent:
  • Bruce Zvaniga - Interim CAO  

The meeting was called to order by Andrew Niven, Chair at 11:00 a.m.

Moved by Tim Jennings that the agenda be adopted as presented. 


None were declared.

Moved by Councillor Cheropita that the January 29, 2024, minutes be received.

There were none.

There were none.

There were none.

Rebecca Godfrey CRBE spoke to the Draft Tourism Strategy Report and gave a presentation including:

  • Acknowledgments
  • Project Phasing
  • NOTL Tourism Positioning
    • Vision Statement
    • Values
  • Tourism Strategy Components
  • Strategic Priorities and Objectives
  • Governance and Destruction Management
  • Product and Experience Development
  • Visitor Infrastructure and Investment Attraction
  • Destination Marketing
  • Implementation Plan

The Committee asked clarifying questions of Rebecca and her team.

Moved by Tim Jennings that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

That The Tourism Strategy Committee approve the final draft with the addition of:

1.1 The allowance for CRBE to reorder existing priorities focusing on Heritage and cultural experiences;

1.2 incorporate in the presentation that Cultural experiences were rolled out from heritage and history;

1.3 That edits be made to page 4 of the report that funding would be given to the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake not the Chamber of Commerce and;

1.4 That the addition of quotes provided by Mark Torrance is incorporated into the presentation.


Rebecca reviewed the executive summary with the commiittee.

The Committee asked clarifying questions of Rebecca and her team.

Moved by Councillor Cheropita that the following recommendations be considered by Council;

That The Tourism Strategy Committee approve the executive summary with the addition of:

1.1 Pictures of the Town Ambassadors; 

1.2 That the front photo is not of the crowded downtown area;

1.3 That pictures of The Shaw, Historical Sites, and Greenspace ex. (golfing, cycling, hiking) be incorporated in the summary;

1.4 That edits be made to page 7 of 5 or more rooms it is now all rentals;

1.5 That edits be made to page 13 that the order be changed to alphabetical, and Inclusivity have the addition of accessibility and the font size be made bigger and aligned with the top text and;

1.6 That source and photo credit be added to the photos.


There were none.

To be determined.

Adjournment unanimously took place at 11:56 a.m.